Loser Number Three

August 11, 2024
Training Video

Becoming a good loser is the first step towards understanding the mindset of profitable traders. This video covers the common progression for new traders and ultimately the major flaws in their trading approaches. I share my way of approaching the market and how I consider myself a good loser.

What is covered in this video:

  1. Where most traders go wrong with their approach
  2. Defining what a losing trade actually is
  3. How a random market actually provides some control
  4. How to profit from what most consider a losing trade
  5. Why you should stick with your trading idea until proven wrong

"To be a good loser is to learn how to win. Losing trades is a natural part of trading. See how to conceptualize losses and a way to profit from them."

Why understanding losses is important

We can't hope to ever predict any trading market. As a result, it is natural that we are going to incur some amount of losses. When we let go of of the idea of predicting the market, we can better understand how to realize losses and ultimately profit when others fail.